Screwtape Letter #7

Screwtape’s seventh letter explains the value of cliquishness, partisanship, and zealotry. In the face of impending war, he uses patriotism and pacifism as examples. The two seem to mortals quite different from each other, but both can be of great use to Wormwood if he can get his patient deeply enough devoted to one or the other. The patient should make a worldly cause his guiding principle, with his faith relegated to a supporting role.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Twelve said:

We can readily see that tendency in our own time, with many causes that are good in themselves but become spiritually corrupting when they assume priorities ahead of him who commanded, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Jesus Christ and his work come first. Anything that would use him or his kingdom or his church as a means to an end serves the cause of the adversary.

We must not let even the best of causes get in the way of our devotion to the Gospel of Christ, our obedience to our commandments, and our commitment to eternal things.

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